Dr. Serrata has an extensive catalog of academic and non-academic publications.
Here you will find a few of her selected pieces.
Here you will find a few of her selected pieces.
Please contact Dr. Serrata if you would like a copy of a full report or manuscript that is listed below:
Cook Heffron, L., Serrata, J.V., Hurtado, G., (2018). Latina Immigrant Women & Children’s Well-Being & Access to Services After Detention (under development).
Hernandez-Martinez, M., Serrata, J.V. & Huitron, K. (2018). Finding a Way: Innovative housing solutions of Latin@ survivors of domestic violence and successful practices of culturally specific community-based organizations (CBOs). (Research Report No. 2018.2)
Serrata, J.V., Hernandez-Martinez, M., Rodriguez, R., Trujillo, O. (2017) Scan of the Field: Learning About Serving Survivors of Human Trafficking. (Research Report No. 2018.1)
Goodman, L.A., Thomas, K.A., Serrata, J.V., Lippy, C., Nnawulezi, N., Ghanbarpour, S., Macy, R., Sullivan, C. & Bair-Merritt, M.A. (2017). Power through partnerships: A CBPR toolkit for domestic violence researchers. National Resource Center on Domestic Violence, Harrisburg, PA. Retrieved from
Mazzula, S., Serrata, J.V. (2017). Latino boys and men: Advancing scholarship and community-based solutions, Prepared for RISE for boys and men of color. (Retrieved from:
Serrata, J.V., & Notario, H., (2016). Trauma Informed Principles through a CulturallySpecific Lens. (Retrieved from:
Serrata, J.V., Hidalgo, R. (2013). Realidades Latinas: A National Survey on the Impact of Immigration and Language Access on Latina Survivors (Research Report No. 2013.4).
Serrata, J.V., & the National Latin@ Researcher Center on Family and Social Change (2013). An Evidence Based Leadership Intervention for Latina Survivors of Domestic Violence (Research Report No. 2013.1).
Hernandez-Martinez, M., Serrata, J.V. & Huitron, K. (2018). Finding a Way: Innovative housing solutions of Latin@ survivors of domestic violence and successful practices of culturally specific community-based organizations (CBOs). (Research Report No. 2018.2)
Serrata, J.V., Hernandez-Martinez, M., Rodriguez, R., Trujillo, O. (2017) Scan of the Field: Learning About Serving Survivors of Human Trafficking. (Research Report No. 2018.1)
Goodman, L.A., Thomas, K.A., Serrata, J.V., Lippy, C., Nnawulezi, N., Ghanbarpour, S., Macy, R., Sullivan, C. & Bair-Merritt, M.A. (2017). Power through partnerships: A CBPR toolkit for domestic violence researchers. National Resource Center on Domestic Violence, Harrisburg, PA. Retrieved from
Mazzula, S., Serrata, J.V. (2017). Latino boys and men: Advancing scholarship and community-based solutions, Prepared for RISE for boys and men of color. (Retrieved from:
Serrata, J.V., & Notario, H., (2016). Trauma Informed Principles through a CulturallySpecific Lens. (Retrieved from:
Serrata, J.V., Hidalgo, R. (2013). Realidades Latinas: A National Survey on the Impact of Immigration and Language Access on Latina Survivors (Research Report No. 2013.4).
Serrata, J.V., & the National Latin@ Researcher Center on Family and Social Change (2013). An Evidence Based Leadership Intervention for Latina Survivors of Domestic Violence (Research Report No. 2013.1).